Thursday, February 15, 2024

The Toddler and the Tweenager

People aren't lying when they tell you that time goes by so fast when you're raising kids. We suddenly have a tween in our midst. The attitude started several months before her most recent birthday, but I feel like now that she's officially in that age bracket, everything has been amplified.  

Merle is like having a toddler - he's into everything while we're gone. He won't turn two until this August. I know his puppy habits won't magically disappear when he has his birthday, but maybe they'll start to ween themselves out.  

Lent started yesterday, and I decided to give up more sugar than I usually do for the season.  Walking Merle has helped me lose five pounds in about two and a half months, but I'd like to lose at least five more. Wine, especially white wine, has a decent amount of sugar in it.  Last night, all I wanted was a piece of chocolate for dessert!  The way things have gone today, I wonder if I'll last all forty days without anything sweet besides fruit; which brings up an interesting point.  As I type this, I'm trying to rationalize giving up wine - grapes are fruit, and I'm not giving up apples, pears, citrus, berries, or any other type of natural sweets...  

I think I'll go do a face mask and try to relax. 

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