I'm taking a break from Facebook. So far, I don't miss it at all. The news feed was always stale, even if I clicked "most recent". There were almost always more notifications from groups than friends, and more than anything, I was going to lose my personal filter and start saying what I was really thinking to people, and then I'd be the bad guy.
Should I do that anyway? Well, it took years for me to get my filter in place, so I didn't think regressing was the best choice.
Why people felt it was OK to share their two cents on my wall when I wasn't asking for it, and got snarky when I shared my opinion about a situation that they had nothing to do with is beyond me. I know what a caravan is, thanks, and I know that any band that marches in a parade has a trailer to transport equipment around. I also don't think the people who kept commenting on that particular Facebook post were in the same physical place at the same time that we were so they didn't know what traffic was like, or that the four cop cars that were dance-driving around were more likely to cause an accident than corral the caravan of chartered buses and band trailer.
I could go on, but the point here is that social media has gotten out of control. We see this with our president very regularly on Twitter. Whether you like him or not, it's a true statement. People don't filter and the "social" aspect of social media is getting more rude and even borderlines bullying in some cases rather than keeping in touch with friends. And the catty-ness of some mom groups is just as bad as the movie "Mean Girls". Basically, people have forgotten how to be adults and how to set examples for the younger generations, ya know, like parents.
Might you be reading this on Facebook? I haven't yet changed my sharing options from Twitter and I don't see anything wrong with sharing from Instagram. You can take a flying leap if it's too hard for you to control yourself by saying, "I thought you were deactivating Facebook". I'll call you a jackass in my head and give you side eye or a huge eye roll which you won't be able to see because we're not connecting in real life. Therein lies my other point - if I'm not feeling that connection with you and I wouldn't say something to you in real life/face to face, I'm not interested in keeping in touch with you anyway.
Call it approaching 40/mid-life crisis/peri-menopause. I don't care. It's what I believe, and in the words of Eric Cartman, "I do what I want!". Isn't that how we got into this predicament in the first place? Or another way to end this post, which is much more eloquent, is to quote Dr. Seuss, "be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter".
Good for you to get out of the Mommy Wars. (I say from reading this on fb LOL!)