Friday, October 10, 2014

Family Ties and Tying Up Loose Ends

In the last post, I mentioned weight being an issue for me.  I don't know that I'm losing pounds, but I've been hearing a lot of compliments about how much smaller I look lately.  We stopped eating premade frozen dinners, except for the occasional pizza, I've tried walking more (mostly at work), and I do 25 crunches once a week.  It's nice to fit into some of my old favorite clothes again, but I've also been seriously cleaning out my closet, which is mentally freeing. 

Also, one of the families I commented about in a previous post, has seemed to clean their act up a bit.  There are now two children, and the father seems much calmer with them both - even sweetly affectionate to the newborn baby.  The mom seems more attentive, and the older child seems better behaved.  Maybe the pregnancy was just that stressful on them before.  Either way, I'm glad they seem so much happier and loving toward each other. 

Our sweet bugaboo is already 8 months old!  A friend commented the other day that her time in my belly didn't seem to go as quickly as her growing up now.  It's true! Watching our sweet bebe learn and understand things is amazing and awesome!  This morning, she put her hand up to her mouth to blow me a kiss!  As she grows, I think learning about her family is very important.  I don't have living grandparents, and all of my great aunts are gone, too; that's why her middle name is my maternal grandmother's first name. I wish I'd have known her better.  Her first name is my mom's middle name, and unbeknownst to me during the baby naming process, was also my dad's mother's name; however, she's mostly named after St. Ann, but with an 'e'.  AMB finally met some cousins on my side of the family a couple of weeks ago, including a second visit with one of my uncles and his wife.  My sister-in-law and I feel that our girls need to know where they come from and develop a good support system.  Extended family is really important to both of us.