Friday, January 17, 2014


Happy 2014 to all!!

Had our last two week check up today.  Now doctor visits will be weekly until our baby girl arrives. Last visit, she had definitely dropped and my appetite had increased as well as trips to the potty all day and night. This visit, I am no longer dilated, have not been as hungry lately, but still need to go to "my second office" - as we're referring to it at work - quite frequently. I will admit, I am disappointed by this week's news.  I thought surely she'd tell me I was at least 2 cm now. According to the online forums, like Baby Center, this is not unusual.  There are still 2.5 weeks until baby's due, and she may go up and down a few more times until real contractions start.  Thankfully, she is in the correct position - posterior and head down.  There's also only one more layer of the cervix that she needs to go through until I'm dilated again, so she's just a little gun-shy for now I guess.  

I am a reference librarian.  At work, a lot of what we do is help people use computers.  Trust me, when I applied for and accepted this job, I had no idea so much of what's required would fall under the social work category.  I thought it would be mostly helping students will school projects, and every now and again directing people to the health or legal resources they needed for whatever situation they're in.  We get that, too, but a lot of what people need is help filling out government assistance applications online.  How on Earth does this have to do with the mom blog?  Great question.  I recently learned that since I am engaged, therefore, still considered to be a single mom, I can also apply for government assistance to pay the remainder of the medical bills, plus get coverage for our little angel for her entire first year of life.  Filling out the form online for La Moms helped me sympathize with many of those that I help at work everyday.  While I have the necessary typing and computer skills that many of these people don't, the information the government wants is repetitive and sometimes confusing.  Thankfully, it was not a long application and according to my doctor's office, I should know something in about a week.

Baby's room was all nice and ready, although, a little cramped.  Now it's a disaster area because we've temporarily moved the sewing machine out to make room for her bookcase and a night table (and to get it fixed) - stuff is everywhere!  It's renewed the nesting instinct in me that had only gone dormant for about a week.  I'm not even kidding when I tell you that my plan is to drag the garbage can behind me as I walk about the house getting rid of things that we don't need or that I just can't bare to look at anymore.  I'll also put things where they belong as I walk.  Clutter has really been driving me crazy lately.

Other than that, we can't wait to meet our little love and hope that we continue to have a healthy and naturally progressive pregnancy.  Cheers, everyone!

Quick Thoughts on Baby Showers

A party for my baby thrown by friends, family, coworkers that love you.  "Oh what fun!", you'll think.  Don't worry, I'm not going to be a sourpuss, but up until the actual event, it's not all roses.  The constant changing of dates, planning around everyone's schedules, colors/themes/decorations - oh my! Unnecessarily stressful.
Who to invite to which shower or at all.

Post showers - stuff EVERYWHERE!  Hardly anyone uses registry. Lots of clothes and hooded bath towels for gifts! Turned down lots of offers on clothes and baby things thinking we'd get them at the showers. Lucked out for the most part, but wish we'd have been less stressed/more open to hand-me-downs now knowing what we got/didn't get.  I am a clothes horse, so too will be our daughter (as I'm sure is the case for all girls).

Thank goodness for gift cards, though!!!  And the hand-me-downs we have gotten! and the generosity of excited grandparents!  And two anonymous gifts we have received from Target - just recently found out who sent them! Hooray!

Both showers ended up being fun, and we've gotten most of what we need and plenty of fun other items to start our daughter's life off on the right foot.  Thanks to all who planned, attended, sent us gifts, and love us and our new little family!!!