If I made a mental list from my head to my toes, starting after a morning shower, I would likely still be working on things at 6 p.m. That's how much self-care I normally don't do so it's more than just maintenance that needs doing. The work from home life, even though it's just a few days a week, makes me much less concerned about what my eyebrows look like or if my fingernails are filed. CBS Sunday Morning reported that deodorant sales are down during the pandemic - I haven't gotten that bad yet.
As I age, my eyebrows are actually much easier to keep up with. It's just a few strays on the outer edges - the middle got trained to stop growing, for the most part, a long time ago. Leg and underarm hair seem to be growing faster as I age and unfortunately, also not thinning or becoming less coarse. Overall, my nails and skin are getting drier - except for my forehead - and my scalp hair is changing texture.
Over the years, I have invested in many skin products and lotions before finally getting the lowdown from my dermatologist, who set me on the right track. Of course, I bought expensive products from her which I religiously used for the first month or two and then lost my zeal so they just sit on the bathroom counter losing potency. I just read that Vitamin C lotion doesn't last very long to begin with, and mine has definitely changed color since I started with it.
I've never been a girly-girl, but I realize especially because I'm a mom, that it's important to take care of myself. That doesn't make it any easier to accomplish these things I know I should do, though. Back to this morning: I showered, put the expensive (and probably expired) serums on my face, and trimmed and filed my fingernails. What I didn't get around to was exfoliating my hands and elbows, putting lotion on my appendages, and most certainly not painting my fingernails a new color. The main reason I got to do the few things I did do is that my mother-in-law kept our kid for us the whole weekend. On a school morning, the only way I may get around to lotioning my face is if I spend an extra half hour back at home after carline.
I know I'm not alone in this struggle, but how are we supposed to keep up with all the things our skin and body needs without sacrificing a significant amount of time? Even if I would work from home every day or from here on out, I know that I'm just not disciplined enough to make any of this a habit. The same can be said for any kind of fitness routine. I need to get 30 minutes of exercise every day, and I know that it doesn't have to be all at once, which makes it even easier to accomplish, but I still don't do it. It's one of those things that I hope my daughter does much better at than I do when she grows up, but setting the example for her is important, too.
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